We are an agriculture advocacy group working with the community to advocate the importance of agriculture in Contra Costa County. Our mission is to support farmers and ranchers in the region. We believe that agriculture is the backbone of our community and we work tirelessly to promote its growth and sustainability. Join us in our mission to support local agriculture by becoming a member or donating to our cause. Click here to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
Contra Costa
Young Farmers & Ranchers
The Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee is a program for agriculturalists between the ages of 18 and 35 involved in production, banking, business, and many other areas of the industry. YF&R provides opportunities to develop leadership skills through involvement in Farm Bureau at the county, state, and national levels. YF&R members are a vital part of the organization. Each member’s efforts help California Farm Bureau to effectively represent the diversity of farmers and ranchers across the state.
Industry Tours
By taking part in a Contra Costa County agriculture tours, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for where your food comes from and how it’s produced. It’s an opportunity to engage with local farmers, discover sustainable practices, and connect with the land in a way that’s often overlooked in today’s fast-paced world. The tours provide an authentic, hands-on learning experience that is both educational and enjoyable for everyone!

Viano Winery. Martinez, CA

Get Involved Today!
The future of California agriculture depends on passionate, informed advocates who are willing to learn, engage, and act. By joining Contra Costa Young Farmers and Ranchers, you’ll have the opportunity to not only explore the pressing issues impacting agriculture but also take meaningful steps to influence the policies that shape the future of farming. Whether you’re advocating for better water policy, improving labor conditions, or building relationships with elected officials, your involvement makes a difference. Together, we can ensure that agriculture continues to thrive for generations to come.